Official launch of our website

13 October 2018

Today we are happy to present our brand new Pro@Heart website to everybody. 

We are a team of scientific experts from Belgium and Australia interested in the influence of endurance exercise on the heart. 

On this website there will be regular updates on our research. This includes possible calls for participants, Pro@Heart events and hopefully some ground braking publications. Thru this website we will communicate the results of our endeavours and hope to promote healthy sport exercise to everybody. 

You can read about our 3 scientific studies which are currently under way. If we are looking for people to participate in the study we will provide the necessary information on this website and a link where you can register. 

If you have any questions you can contact us thru the contact page and we will try to help you. Researchers who are interested in this project and want to collaborate are always welcome to contact us. 

With kind regards,

The whole Pro@Heart Team

16:00 - 17:30
uur aanpassen
locatie: Kulak 08.04a

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Sed malesuada, nisi in aliquam vehicula, quam massa vehicula neque, quis sollicitudin diam felis vitae tortor. Morbi molestie varius mi id maximus. Maecenas purus libero, viverra sit amet commodo a, sodales ac arcu. In et turpis a nisi auctor venenatis id ut sapien. Suspendisse posuere eros eu magna condimentum, ac convallis justo lobortis. Nulla non tellus eget lectus lobortis condimentum eget id nulla. Praesent auctor tempus sapien, quis consequat risus mattis eget.

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